Thursday, December 18, 2008

Will the Recession Affect Cosmetic Surgery?

Today's New York Times features a terrific article by journalist Natasha Singer about the effect of the economic downturn on the cosmetic surgery industry:

"But now, as the country plunges into recession, will financial hardship demote the pursuit of physical perfection?

Will the vogue for a smoothed face in which only the mouth moves, or a mix-and-match body of mature breasts atop boyish hips become outmoded? Will aesthetic values loosen up, allowing the occasional wrinkle to take on a certain measure of authenticity?"

Read the article in the New York Times

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

BREAST CANCER ACTION-Hormones and Breast Cancer

The renowned organization Breast Cancer Action has started an important campaign to raise awareness about the health concerns concerning the synthetic hormone rBGH.

There are serious health questions regarding this hormone and the health of women's breasts. General Mills continues to use this hormone in the making of its dairy product Yoplait yogurt.

We urge everyone to participate in Breast Cancer Action's campaign to tell General Mills and Yoplait Yogurt to stop using this hormone.

Please join the THINK BEFORE YOU PINK campaign and help Breast Cancer Action.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

F.D.A. Medical Device Decision Making-Misconduct?

Yesterday, The New York Times published an article about the Food and Drug Administration's possible misconduct in its medical advisory review process. Breast implants are reviewed as medical devices and these allegations may possibly involve breast implants.

Here's an excerpt from the New York Times article:

"WASHINGTON — Top federal health officials engaged in “serious misconduct” by ignoring concerns of scientists at the Food and Drug Administration and approving for sale unsafe or ineffective medical devices, the scientists have written in a letter to Congress... The letter says that the scientists have documentary evidence that senior agency managers “corrupted the scientific review of medical devices” by ordering experts to change their opinions and conclusions in violation of the law."

Did the F.D.A. ignore scientists' opinions when it made its silicone breast implant approval decision in 2006?

Did senior F.D.A. management corrupt the process and violate the law?

Stay tuned into this story--if experts were coerced into changing their opinions regarding any medical device, this is very serious.

Read the New York Times Article in its entirety.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Canadian FDA Declares Key Implant Ingredients Toxic and May Take Silicone Implants Off the Market

Health Canada may soon declare key silicone gel implant ingredients toxic and take silicone gel-filled implants off the market. Please read this article from The Ottawa Citizen:

Friday, May 16 , 2008

Silicone gel implants may lose approval
Key chemicals could be declared toxic
By Sarah Schmidt
The Ottawa Citizen

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Health Canada may have to reverse its controversial 2006 decision to allow women to get silicone gel-filled breast implants if it proceeds with a plan to declare key chemicals found in them to be toxic, experts say.

Health Canada is expected to announce Friday its plans for synthetic chemicals found in silicone fluids as part of a risk assessment of 200 chemical substances, identified as top priorities for action because they are potentially harmful to human health or the environment.

It has already written to industry, explaining that "in the absence of additional relevant information," the government is "predisposed to conclude, based on a screening assessment, that this substance satisfies the definition of toxic (under the) Canadian Environmental Protection Act."

A toxic declaration about the Cyclohexasiloxane family, also known as D4, D5, D6, would start a process that could lead to a ban in certain products, as with bisphenol A in baby bottles.

"The different departments at Health Canada have been a bit of a dysfunctional family that don't listen to one another. If the environmental assessment decides this should be toxic, there should be a duty of the medical devices branches to study whether it should be taken off the market," said Dr. Kapil Khatter, scientific adviser for Environmental Defence.

Silicone implants were pulled from the market in 1992 amid concerns they were unsafe for women. Fourteen years later, Health Canada changed course and made them freely available to women with the caveat that "no medical device is 100 per cent safe."

Health Canada said it reviewed more than 65,000 pages of evidence submitted by manufacturers and more than 2,500 scientific articles in reaching its decision to grant licences to two companies to market silicone implants.

Until then, only breast implants filled with saline were licensed for sale in Canada.

The October 2006 decision came just months after Health Canada's scientific advisory committee said questions "had not been sufficiently addressed" about potential health risks if the gels leaked into women's bodies and about whether the implants increased the risk of auto-immune diseases in the long term.

In May 2007, as part of its chemicals management plan, Health Canada asked industry to prove D4, D5 and D6 were safe. The chemicals also were found in cosmetics and other personal care products.

Health Canada flagged D4 as a priority because the European Commission has listed it as a reproductive toxin. D5 and D6 were prioritized because of environmental concerns.

Dr. Kapil said he was hopeful a toxic designation would result in better departmental co-ordination at Health Canada.

"This will create that conversation," he said. "Through this program, there will be something overarching that will push the Health Canada departments that regulate cosmetics and medical devices to look at toxic substances in their area."

Health Canada also will announce Friday its decision about vinyl acetate, commonly used as a base in chewing gum.

© The Ottawa Citizen 2008

Thursday, January 17, 2008

New York Times Features Absolutely Safe

Amaranth Productions is pleased to announce that
ABSOLUTELY SAFE is featured in this Thursday's edition of
The New York Times. In the article, "Do My Breast Implants Have
a Warranty", the hidden cost of breast implant failure is exposed.
Natasha Singer writes: "A new debate is emerging over whether breast implants constitute the kind of annuity medicine that will entail regular surgical tuneups, exposing patients to increased medical risk and out-of-pocket expenses. At a time when manufacturers have provided the F.D.A. with clinical studies that follow patients for just a few years, there is no established medical consensus on how long implants last, leaving doctors to rely on their anecdotal experiences when discussing durability with patients."

Filmmaker Carol Ciancutti-Leyva is Quoted:

"Your implants may last less than 10 years or more than 10 years, but when you start having problems with them, your health insurance is unlikely to cover the M.R.I. tests or the reoperations," said Carol Ciancutti-Leyva, the director of a 2007 documentary called "Absolutely Safe." "It can be a very expensive proposition, especially if you are young."