Thursday, January 17, 2008

New York Times Features Absolutely Safe

Amaranth Productions is pleased to announce that
ABSOLUTELY SAFE is featured in this Thursday's edition of
The New York Times. In the article, "Do My Breast Implants Have
a Warranty", the hidden cost of breast implant failure is exposed.
Natasha Singer writes: "A new debate is emerging over whether breast implants constitute the kind of annuity medicine that will entail regular surgical tuneups, exposing patients to increased medical risk and out-of-pocket expenses. At a time when manufacturers have provided the F.D.A. with clinical studies that follow patients for just a few years, there is no established medical consensus on how long implants last, leaving doctors to rely on their anecdotal experiences when discussing durability with patients."

Filmmaker Carol Ciancutti-Leyva is Quoted:

"Your implants may last less than 10 years or more than 10 years, but when you start having problems with them, your health insurance is unlikely to cover the M.R.I. tests or the reoperations," said Carol Ciancutti-Leyva, the director of a 2007 documentary called "Absolutely Safe." "It can be a very expensive proposition, especially if you are young."

1 comment:

  1. I reviewed your film at this link.

    Thank you. You saved my life.

